In a world with an ongoing war lie two races, the Angels, and the Demons.
Their purity affects their fate of whether they will be conveyed to Elysium, or to Hades. If before you died, sins were something you had never even thought about, you would be sent to Elysium, the realm home to the angels with a beautiful blue sky, and thick snow-white clouds. If sins were something you were familiar with, Hades will be your new abode, where you will be tortured and cursed for eternity; unless of course you were ranked higher.
It is now the year of 2012, and the Angels and Demons are still being sent down to ruin or save the lives of the humans. In this particular trip, 3 angels and 3 demons are sent back to Earth, while their tasks are set upon each other. These tasks include killing a demon, an angel, a human, or even saving the life of one. These specific creatures are sent down for exactly four days, and as the four days pass, the chosen ones finally cross paths and sparks begin to form. When they finally learn their new 'lovers' are supposedly their enemy, they begin to worry, while hiding their relationships become hard and harder to do. If the Absolute or the Seraphim were ever to learn of this, a violent war could break out, and things will begin to "fall".
Scenario 1
The demon is sent down to take an innocent person's life; already knowing his victim, he immediately goes after her. The victim ends up coincidently being one of the angels that were sent down. While the angel knows she's supposed to save a life, she never gets a feeling of whom, and in the end, it was her own life she was to save. As the demon begins to fall in love with the angel, he finds it harder and harder to complete his task. Will he kill her? Or will his love for her take over?
1 Female Angel- Taken - Pretty
1 Male Demon - Open
Scenario 2
A demon is sent back to Earth to find the Seraphim a new slave. As he found a girl/boy and thought that he/she is suitable for the position he reported back to the Seraphim and was told to collect that girl/boy in 4 days. When he comes back to the Between Real to collect him/her, he begins to fall for her/him. Will he disobey the Seraphim or will he take the girl/boy he loves back to the Demon Realm to become a slave?
1 Male/Female Demon - Open
1 Male/Female Human - Open
Scenario 3
Throughout history, some angels returning to Earth find lovers amongst the humans. From such couplings Halflings are made, named Nephilim.
After such a heinous act, the Angels were banished to hell as demons by the almighty.
After the knowledge of such a child comes to God and the Devils attention, they both send an Angel and Demon to remove the problem, but for far different reasons.
The Devil would be please by the potential havoc the Halfling could cause, and so would want ot preserve it until adult hood, where it could protect itself.
To achieve this, he would have to send a demon which actually cared about its life, the only realistic option, the mother of the child.
The almighty would send his least compassionate Angel, perhaps one of the chaos angels which he uses to cause unexplainable havoc on the planet.
This Angel would be tasked in killing the child.
Now, the Demon would know it has very little chance of confronting the Angel directly, and so would have to disguise itself as a human, perhaps the legal guardian of the child, and somehow convince the Angel to preserve the child's life.
1 Male/Female Angel - Open
1 Male/Female Demon: The Parent of the Nephilim - Open
1 Male/Female Nephilim(Recommended to be played by the parent) - Open
Things to Know
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