Monday, August 29, 2011

How to Select and Buy a Direct Mail List |

Direct marketing experts all agree that the direct mail list (who you mail to) is the most important factor in determining the success of a direct mailing campaign.

The experts claim the direct mail list accounts for 40% to 60% of the success of a mailing. The offer is the next most important variable, followed by the creative (graphic design and copywriting).? Since the direct mail list is so important, it?s critical to spend the time to select and buy the best lists and to test direct mail lists.

If you do a Google search for ?direct mail lists? you?ll get 18,200,000+ results. As someone who isn?t an industry insider, you probably don?t know who the largest direct mail list sellers are, who the direct mail list specialists are, and who everyone else is selling direct mail lists. Let us help simplify this.

How to Select and Buy a Direct Mail List

Written by: Derrith Lambka on August 29, 2011. Derrith is the founder and one of the editors of, a new how-to website and community for small business on marketing. is like an always-being-updated book and resource center for small business on marketing. Derrith has worked for ad agencies, for Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, as a marketing executive and Director of Advertising for Hewlett-Packard and as a SVP at Millward Brown, a global brand/advertising research firm. During her career she has advised many Fortune 100 clients on marketing including Apple, Adobe, Cisco, Gateway Computers, GlaxoSmithKline, Google, HP, McDonald's, Microsoft and WebMD. She's personally interviewed and conducted research with thousands of small business customers to understand what their needs and frustrations are. As a two-time small business owner herself, she understands the realities of small business marketing. Derrith brings all her accumulated expertise and industry-insider knowledge to help small businesses with how to do marketing better, faster and less expensively to As she learns, she shares what is most relevant and actionable to help small businesses with marketing.


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